The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) is as strong as ever, laser-focused on its essential mission to support advocacy, education and research vital to maintaining the relevance and vitality of our remarkable specialty.
To meet the contemporary needs of our members, patients and the profession, the AANS has been undergoing a period of self-reflection to ensure our methods and focus are in sync with the demands of our field.
As such, following a two-year, comprehensive evaluation of our operations, the AANS identified several opportunities to reimagine, expand and elevate its activities to better meet the present and future needs of its members, neurosurgical patients and other stakeholders.
Given the importance of the work we routinely perform on behalf of the international neurosurgical community, we paid particular attention to the creation of visual imagery that can inspire those who are committed to our core values and create a shared appreciation of those values that has the potential to transcend words.
We are therefore excited to present our new logo and other imagery, which will become part of the fabric of our culture and a symbol of this venerable 93-year-old organization’s rejuvenation and recommitment to excellence and service:
You will surely recognize entirely novel elements, and also modernizations of legacy symbols. Our primary intent in this change process has been to honor our rich tradition, while simultaneously looking ever forward as we stand on the threshold of an exciting new era for the AANS and our specialty.
As always, we appreciate your dedication to our specialty, and your support of the AANS mission. Finally, we value any feedback you may wish to provide at this time.