
Through advocacy, policy development and public relations, the AANS/CNS Washington Committee and Washington Office work to defend and protect the ability of neurosurgeons to practice medicine freely and help to ensure the continued advancement of the specialty of neurological surgery

AANS Advocacy

The Washington Office

The AANS/CNS Washington Committee has played a fundamental role in a number of health policy developments, including advocating for adequate reimbursement, pushing for medical liability reform, streamlining quality improvement reporting requirements and relief from the morass of government regulations.

AANS Advocacy

Advocacy Working for Neurosurgery


Neurosurgery PAC

NeurosurgeryPAC is the political action committee of the AANS. NeurosurgeryPAC’s mission is simple: support candidates for federal office who support neurosurgeons.

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Learn More About the Washington Office

Explore upcoming agenda items, press releases, and other Washington Office initiatives.

A person with a suit on writing on a legal pad