Graduate Medical Education
An appropriate supply of well‐educated and trained physicians is an essential element to ensure access to quality health care services for all Americans. Unfortunately, the nation is facing a serious shortage of physicians, particularly as baby boomers age. And while medical schools in the U.S. have increased their enrollments, and additional medical and osteopathic schools have been established, the number of Medicare-funded resident positions has been capped by law. The solution for increasing physician numbers involves not only increasing medical-student class size and the number of medical schools but also increasing the number of funded residency positions. All payors of health care — including the federal government, states and private payors — benefit from graduate medical education. To ensure an adequate supply of physicians, organized neurosurgery continues to petition Congress to maintain Medicare’s current financial support of graduate medical education and encourage all other payers to contribute to graduate medical education (GME) programs.
Key resources
Published: January 31, 2025
RE: Comments on draft legislation to improve the Medicare GME program Dear Senators Cassidy, Cortez Masto, Cornyn, and Bennet: The Alliance of Specialty Medicine (the “Alliance”) represents more than 100,000 […]
Dear Chairman Wyden and Sens. Menendez, Cornyn, Cassidy, Bennet, Tillis, Cortez Masto, and Blackburn: The nearly 50 undersigned members of the Graduate Medical Education Advocacy Coalition (GMEAC) appreciate the opportunity […]
RE: Bipartisan Medicare GME Working Group Draft Proposal Outline Dear Chairman Wyden and members of the Bipartisan Medicare GME Working Group: The Alliance of Specialty Medicine (the “Alliance”) represents more […]
Dear Chair Cole, Chair Aderholt, and Ranking Member DeLauro: On behalf of organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents, we write to thank you for […]
Dear Chair Murray, Vice Chair Collins, Chair Baldwin, and Ranking Member Capito: On behalf of organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents, we write to […]
Published: March 13, 2024
Dear Representatives Schneider, Kuster, Valadao, Carey, and Kelly: On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, the over 40 undersigned organizations offer our support for the Substance Use […]
Dear Chairman Sanders and Ranking Member Cassidy: On behalf of our organizations, we call on Congress to address high student loan debt levels facing many borrowers, including physicians and dentists. […]
Dear Senator Menendez, Senator Boozman, Senator Collins, and Leader Schumer: On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, the 80 undersigned organizations offer our enthusiastic support for the […]
Dear Chair Granger, Chair Aderholt, and Ranking Member DeLauro: On behalf of organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents, we write to thank you for […]
Dear Chair Murray, Vice Chair Collins, Chair Baldwin, and Ranking Member Capito: On behalf of organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents, we write to […]
Dear Congresswoman Sewell and Congressman Fitzpatrick: On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, the nearly 80 undersigned organizations offer our enthusiastic support for the Resident Physician Shortage […]
RE: Support of S. 1302, the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Senators Menendez, Boozman, and Collins: As the Alliance of Specialty Medicine (Alliance), our mission […]
RE: Support of H.R. 2389, the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act Dear Representatives Sewell and Fitzpatrick: As the Alliance of Specialty Medicine (Alliance), our mission is to advocate for sound […]
Dear Senators Rosen and Boozman: On behalf of our organizations, we thank you for reintroducing the “Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act” (S 704) that, if passed, will allow borrowers […]
Submitted electronically to RE: Health Care Workforce Shortages RFI Dear Chair Sanders and Ranking Member Cassidy, The Alliance of Specialty Medicine (Alliance) represents more than 100,000 specialty physicians across […]
Dear Representatives Babin and Houlahan: On behalf of our organizations, we thank you for reintroducing the “Resident Education DeferredInterest (REDI) Act” (HR 1202) that, if passed, will allow borrowers to […]
Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi: On behalf of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Advocacy Coalition, the undersigned groups urge you to build upon the historic investment in the […]
Dear Chairwoman Murray, Chairman Scott as well as Ranking Members Burr and Foxx: On behalf of our organizations, we call on Congress to address high student loan debt levels facing […]
Dear Chair DeLauro, Ranking Member Granger, and Ranking Member Cole: On behalf of organizations dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and adolescents, we write to thank you […]
RE: RIN 2900–AR01—VA Pilot Program on Graduate Medical Education and Residency Dear Secretary McDonough and Deputy Chief Greenberg: The Alliance of Specialty Medicine (the “Alliance”) represents more than 100,000 specialty […]
Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACPPresident and Chief Executive OfficerAccreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000Chicago, IL 60611 SUBJECT: Conflict of Interest Issues During Residency Training Dear […]
Published: February 25, 2022
Dear Senators Rosen and Boozman: On behalf of our organizations, we thank you for introducing the “Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act” (S 3658) that, if passed, will allow borrowers […]