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Position Statement

AANS/CNS Position Statement on Reconciling On-Call Responsibilities with EMTALA Requirements

Joint Section of Neurotrauma/Critical Care Position Statement on Reconciling On-Call Responsibilities with EMTALA Requirements BackgroundFor over one year, the Joint Section of Neurotrauma/Critical Care has been grappling with the complex issue of oncall physicians’ responsibilities for delivering neurotrauma services. After much discussion, the Section’s Executive Committee has identified the following issues, among others, that represent […]
Position Statement

AANS/CNS Consensus Principles on Insurance Coverage for Out-Of-Network Care Provided By Hospital-Based Physicians

Supported by:American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsAmerican Association of Neurological SurgeonsAmerican College of Emergency PhysiciansAmerican College of RadiologyAmerican Society of AnesthesiologistsAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsCollege of American PathologistsCongress of Neurological Surgeons When insured patients are treated in the hospital, they should be confident in the knowledge that their health insurance will cover them. Unfortunately, a growing […]
Position Statement

AANS/CNS Position Statement on Improving Access to Emergency Neurosurgical Services

POSITION STATEMENT of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons IMPROVING ACCESS TO EMERGENCY NEUROSURGICAL SERVICES BACKGROUNDThe Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system is in the midst of a growing crisis because of a recognized shortage of on-call specialists. This problem extends to the provision of emergency neurosurgical care. Since neurosurgeons are […]