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2022 MIPS Final Scores and Payment Adjustments Now Available

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance feedback and final scores for the 2022 performance year, including MIPS payment adjustment information for the 2024 payment year. Neurosurgeons and designated practice staff may access 2022 MIPS performance feedback on the Quality Payment Program website, including final scores and 2024 payment adjustment information. 

Neurosurgeons who believe there is an error in their 2024 MIPS payment adjustment may request that CMS conduct a “targeted review.” Targeted review requests must be submitted by Oct. 9. Final payment adjustments may change from now through the end of the year, depending on the results of these targeted review requests.

Click here to access the QPP Resource Library for additional information.