Washington E-Newsletter

AANS and CNS Call on Congress to Hold Hearings on Medicare Fee Schedule

On Feb. 7, the AANS and the CNS joined more than 20 surgical organizations in calling on Congress to hold hearings on the future of the Medicare physician fee schedule and the status of other policies included in the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, including the Quality Payment Program (QPP). The letter points out that the current system results in drastic payment cuts each year. Although Congress has intervened to stop these cuts for the past two years, policymakers must devise a long-term solution to stabilize the system. On Feb. 18, the neurosurgical groups also joined the Alliance of Specialty Medicine, requesting hearings or roundtables to explore options for fixing the fee schedule and QPP. Finally, the AANS and the CNS joined 94 national health care organizations in sending a similar letter to Congress.

Click here to read the surgery letter, here for the Alliance letter and here for the broad coalition letter.