Reps. Brian Babin, DDS, (R-Texas) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) in the U.S. House of Representatives and Sens. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and John Boozman, OD, (R-Ark.) in the U.S. Senate, have introduced legislation to address physician student loan debt. The bipartisan Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act (H.R. 1202/S. 704) would allow borrowers to qualify for interest-free deferment on their student loans while serving in a medical internship or residency program. The AANS and the CNS endorsed the REDI act, joining more than 40 organizations in thanking the bill’s sponsors for introducing this critical legislation.
Click here to read the House letter and here for the Senate letter.