On Feb. 4, the AANS and the CNS led seven other leading medical organizations in sending a joint letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ranking Member Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) ahead of the Committee’s hearing titled, The Poisoning of America: Fentanyl, its Analogues, and the Need for Permanent Class Scheduling. The hearing examined the public health and safety threats posed by illicit fentanyl and its analogues and evaluated the need for permanent class-wide scheduling of these substances under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The AANS and the CNS issued a press release following the hearing.
Subsequently, Becker’s Spine Review published an article quoting Alexander A. Khalessi, MD, MBA, chair of the AANS/CNS Washington Committee, “As physicians and DEA registrants, we are committed to the responsible stewardship of controlled substances, ensuring patients have access to evidence-based pain management.”
That same week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a subcommittee hearing, Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats, the AANS and CNS led a similar letter with additional organizations on board.
Following, on Feb. 6, the House passed the HALT Fentanyl Act by a vote of 312-108.