Washington E-Newsletter

Neurosurgery-Led Coalition Issues Press Release on Prior Authorization Bill

On Dec. 17, the Regulatory Relief Coalition (RRC), of which the AANS and the CNS are leaders, issued a press release expressing outrage that Congress failed to include The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act (S.4532/H.R. 8702) in the end of year package. The bipartisan legislation would protect Medicare Advantage (MA) program enrollees from unnecessary delays and denials of medically necessary care by streamlining and standardizing prior authorization in MA.

“The RRC commits to working with the bill champions and our broad and strong coalition to help Congress see the light on the need to act and rein in unnecessary prior authorization delays and denials. We won’t stop fighting for what we — as a driven group of patient-focused stakeholders and providers who care for them — know is right for America’s seniors,” the press release states.