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Neurosurgeon Testifies in Congress

On May 8, Anthony M. DiGiorgio, DO, MHA, FAANS, testified before the U.S.Senate Committee on the Budget at a hearing titled “Reducing Paperwork, Cutting Costs: Alleviating Administrative Burdens in Health Care.” In his testimony, Dr. DiGiorgio, a neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, tackled the issue of administrative burdens such as prior authorization, meaningless “quality” measures and the morass of health care regulations.

Subsequently, on June 4, Dr. DiGiorgio testified before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce about the problems related to the 340B Drug Discount Program (“340B Program”), the second-largest government pharmaceutical program. The purpose of the 340B Program is to provide low-income and uninsured patients increased access to life-saving drugs. However, the 340B Program has expanded beyond its legislative purpose, resulting in additional profits for hospitals and health systems operating in affluent areas. In his statement, Dr. DiGiorgio noted, “[a]s a physician committed to serving vulnerable populations, I believe in the original mission of the 340B Program. However, reforms are necessary to prevent abuse and ensure that the program benefits those it was designed to help.” 

Click here for details and to watch the Senate hearing and here for the House Hearing.