Washington E-Newsletter

Neurosurgery Comments on Proposed Medicare Inpatient Payment Rule

On June 14, the AANS and the CNS sent a letter to the CMS regarding provisions in the Fiscal Year 2023 Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment proposed rule. In the letter, neurosurgery:

  • Agreed with the CMS proposal to return laser interstitial thermal therapy procedures to open craniotomy Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Group (MS-DRG) Classifications;
  • Urged CMS to consider MS-DRG assignment for procedures involving the intracerebral infusion of gene therapy and stem cell products in development for many neurologic disorders;
  • Supported New Technology Add-on Payment for several spine and neurostimulator devices; and
  • Opposed the agency’s proposal to make the query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Measure mandatory.

Click here to read the letter and here to view the fact sheet on the proposed rule.