
Neurosurgery-Led Coalition Endorses Prior Auth Reform Legislation

  • Reimbursement and Practice Management

The Honorable Mark Green, MD
U.S. House of Representatives
2446 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Subject: Support for Reducing Medically Unnecessary Delays in Care Act

Dear Representative Green:

The Regulatory Relief Coalition (RRC), a coalition of national physician specialty organizations seeking to reduce regulatory burdens that interfere with patient care, is pleased to support H.R. 5213, the Reducing Medically Unnecessary Delays in Care Act of 2023. As a leading advocate for reforming prior authorization in the Medicare Advantage (MA) program and on behalf of the more than 30 million seniors and the physicians who care for them, the RRC applauds your leadership on this legislation to improve the prior authorization process in Medicare, MA, and Medicare Part D plans.

Click here to read the full Neurosurgery-Led Coalition Endorses Prior Auth Reform Legislation.