Washington E-Newsletter

Neurosurgery Responds to HHS RFI on Strengthening Primary Care

On June 27, the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking input from the public about innovations, models, solutions to barriers and other actions that may strengthen primary care. On Aug. 1, the AANS and the CNS responded to the RFI. The group’s pointed out that policymakers “should be driving towards a well-functioning health care system that meets the needs of all patients,” and while primary care may be a critical foundation of our health care system, patients also need timely access to quality specialty care.” The letter stressed that timely access to neurosurgical and other specialty care saves lives and function. Moreover, focusing on improving primary care in isolation will prevent HHS from achieving its stated goals.

The neurosurgical societies also joined the Alliance of Specialty Medicine in responding to the RFI. Echoing similar themes, this letter recommends that HHS strengthen, rather than weaken, the partnership between primary care and specialty care physicians.

Click here to read the AANS and the CNS letter and here for the Alliance of Specialty Medicine’s letter.