Washington E-Newsletter

Neurosurgery Urges CMS to Reconsider Shared Visit Policy

On March 29, the AANS and the CNS joined the AMA and more than 30 national medical societies in urging the CMS to rescind its shared visit policy. The policy, finalized in the 2022 Medicare Physician Payment Fee Schedule, outlines how providers should bill for split or shared visits when elements of the visit are performed by both a physician and qualified health care professional (QHP). Rather than the long-standing policy of permitting reporting by the providers that perform the critical medical decision-making elements of the visit, the new CMS policy only allows billing based on the physician or QHP who conducts more than 50%of the total time of the visit. In the letter, the societies ask that CMS withdraw this new policy requirement and allow for additional public comments.

Click here to read the letter.