Washington E-Newsletter

Senate Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on Military-Related TBI

On Feb. 28, the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel held a hearing to discuss the impact of blast injuries and the need for the Department of Defense (DoD) to provide better care for military service members who sustain a military-related traumatic brain injury (TBI). Subcommittee chair, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), is concerned that the DoD is not meeting its responsibilities and reinforced four critical solutions needed to address the growing risks and harm presented by blast overpressure:

  1. Developing strategies specific to the military occupational specialties that are most at risk of blast overpressure;
  2. Establishing blast exposure and TBI logs for recordkeeping;
  3. Requiring regular cognitive health assessments for service members; and
  4. Establishing more accurate safety limits for weapons usage during training.

Click here for details, including the hearing video and witness testimony.