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Surgical Care Coalition Featured in Articles Regarding Medicare Payment Cuts

On Sept. 6, CQ published an article titled, “Doctors lobby Congress for Medicare payment bump, again.” The article notes that the Surgical Care Coalition (SCC) campaign is urging Congress to increase Medicare payments to offset cuts scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023.

Inside Health Policy also published an article on Sept. 13 titled “Bera, Bucshon Bill Would Push Off Medicare 2023 Physician Fee Cuts.” The piece highlighted the SCC’s support for the Supporting Medicare Providers Act (H.R. 8800), which Reps. Ami Bera, MD, (D-CA) and Larry Bucshon, MD, (R-IN) introduced to mitigate planned physician fee schedule cuts for 2023. This legislation would eliminate the proposed 4.42% conversion factor cut (an additional 4% cut due to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act is also pending).

Finally, Politico Pulse highlighted the SCC’s work, spotlighting the coalition’s leadership advocacy day in Washington, DC. On Sept. 15, neurosurgeons Jason M. Schwalb, MD and Kristopher T. Kimmell, MD, joined surgeons from across the country who headed to Capitol Hill to meet with Congressional members and staff to advocate for legislation to stop the nearly 8.5% cuts from going into effect in January.

The AANS and CNS are founding members of the SCC. Click here for more information about the coalition and its campaign to prevent steep Medicare payment cuts.