July 2023 E – Newsletter
- Surgeons Release 7-Point Plan to Fix Broken Medicare Physician Payment System
- AMA Launches Website to Fix Medicare Payment System
- Congress Continues to Shine Light on Health Plan Abuses
- Congress Urges CMS to Finalize Prior Authorization Rules
- Neurosurgery Supports Telehealth Expansion Legislation
- Legislation Introduced to Fund Additional GME Slots
- Neurosurgery Continues Support for Pediatric Subspecialty Loan Program
- AANS and CNS Urge Congress to Address Medical Student Debt
- Neurosurgery Supports Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 Legislation
- AANS and CNS Urge Congress to Fund MISSION ZERO Program
- Neurosurgery Supports BLEEDing Act
- Neurosurgery Opposes Bill to Expand Non-Physician Scope of Practice