Website Linking Policy

Thank you for your interest in linking to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) website. The AANS website provides information for neurosurgeons, patients, caregivers, consumers and other healthcare professionals as part of the AANS’ mission of advancing the specialty of neurological surgery.

As the spokesorganization for neurological surgery, the AANS encourages other organizations to link to the Association’s website for credible information.

Please refer to the following guidelines when setting up a link to the AANS website:

  • The AANS does not endorse companies, products or services, and strictly prohibits any suggestion of endorsement, recommendation, or superiority of one company, product or service over another company, product or service. The exception to this policy is when a prior agreement/partnership is in effect.
  • The AANS does not allow framing of its website. When setting up a link to the AANS’ website, the AANS’ site should open in a new Web browser window rather than displaying the pages in a frame of the linking site’s Web template, when frames are used in the site’s design.
  • Links directly to the AANS’ website should be text-only and use of the Association’s logo as a link is strictly prohibited. The AANS logo may not be used on your site. The exception to this policy is when a prior license agreement is in effect and directly specifies that the AANS logo can be used on another party’s website.
  • Material on the AANS website is copyrighted. The AANS may allow other organizations to copy and reuse information or material from the AANS website, but such requests must be submitted in writing and are subject to review before approval. The AANS reserves the right to allow, refuse and/or revoke its consent to copy and reuse information or materials on the AANS website at any time and in its sole discretion. In the event the AANS approves a request to copy or reuse information, the approval will be issued in writing. When permission to use these materials is granted, they must be attributed to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons with a proper citation.

Requests for permission to link to the AANS’ website must be made in writing. The AANS reserves the right to allow, refuse and/or revoke its consent to the link at any time and in its sole discretion. Unauthorized use of any of the AANS names, trademarks, service marks or logos may be in violation of federal and state trademark laws.

Requests for permission to link to the website should be directed to Kathryn Dattomo, Director of Marketing Communications, 847.378.0540.